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How to lay Terrazzo tiles

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Policrete Team
Policrete Team
June 17, 2024
minute read

A step-by-step guide to tile installation

Welcome to Policrete's expert guide on laying terrazzo floors! As Melbourne’s pouring and polishing concrete specialists, we excel in delivering top-notch terrazzo flooring.

Terrazzo tiles, known for their unique speckled appearance and durability, are popular for residential and commercial spaces. Their blend of marble, quartz, granite, or glass chips set in concrete creates a visually appealing, long-lasting flooring option.

In this blog, we provide a step-by-step guide to laying terrazzo tiles. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or want to know how professionals do it, this guide will help you achieve a flawless tile surface. Let’s transform your space with the timeless beauty of terrazzo tiles!

Materials and tools needed

Before you begin laying terrazzo floor tiles, you must gather all the necessary materials and tools. Having everything on hand will ensure a smooth and efficient installation process.


Terrazzo tiles: The primary material for your project, available in various colours and patterns.

Thin-set mortar: A cement-based adhesive used to secure the tiles to the subfloor.

Grout: Used to fill the spaces between the tiles and provide a finished look.

Sealant: Protects the tiles and grout from stains and moisture, ensuring longevity.


Tile cutter: For cutting tiles to fit edges and corners.

Trowel: Used to spread the thin-set mortar evenly on the subfloor.

Level: Ensures that tiles are laid evenly and without sloping.

Rubber mallet: Helps to tap tiles into place for a secure fit gently.

Sponge: For cleaning excess grout off the tiles after application.

Bucket: Essential for mixing mortar and grout.

Preparing the surface

Importance of a clean and level surface

A successful terrazzo tile installation starts with a clean and level concrete slab. Ensuring that your subfloor is free of debris and perfectly flat is crucial for the tiles to adhere properly and to avoid any future issues like cracking or uneven tiles.

Steps to clean and level the subfloor

1. Remove Debris: Begin by sweeping or vacuuming the subfloor to remove any dust, dirt, or loose particles.

2. Clean Thoroughly: Use a damp mop to clean the surface thoroughly, removing any remaining dust or stains. Allow it to dry completely.

3. Check for Level: Use a level to check the flatness of the subfloor and identify any high or low spots.

4. Sand High Spots: If you find any high spots, sand them down to create a smooth, even surface.

5. Fill Low Spots: Use a self-leveling compound to fill in any low spots. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and allow it to cure completely before proceeding.

Tips for checking for moisture and dealing with uneven areas

Moisture Check: Use a moisture meter to ensure the subfloor is dry. Excess moisture can prevent the mortar from adhering properly, leading to tile failure.

Moisture Barrier: If moisture is detected, consider applying a moisture barrier to protect your installation.

Handling Uneven Areas: If the subfloor has significant uneven areas that can't be corrected with sanding or levelling compound, you may need to install a new underlayment to achieve a perfectly level surface.

Planning the layout

Proper planning of your tile layout is essential for a seamless terrazzo tile installation. Start by measuring the area where you will be laying the tiles to determine the precise dimensions. This allows you to plan the tile layout accurately, ensuring that the tiles fit well and the pattern looks cohesive. 

Dry-laying the tiles before applying any hydrated tile adhesive is a crucial step. This means placing the tiles on the floor without mortar to see how they fit and adjusting as necessary. This practice helps you visualise the final look and make any necessary adjustments to avoid small, awkward cuts at the edges, which can detract from the overall appearance. By taking the time to plan your layout carefully, you can ensure a more professional and visually appealing result.

Mixing and applying the mortar

To mix thin-set mortar, start by reading the centre manufacturer's instructions for proper ratios. Fill a bucket with the required amount of water and gradually add the mortar powder. Mix continuously with a drill and mixing paddle until you achieve a smooth, lump-free consistency. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes, then mix again briefly. 

To apply the mortar, use the flat side of a notched trowel to spread a thin layer on the subfloor, covering a small section at a time. Hold the trowel at a 45-degree angle and use the notched side to create even ridges, ensuring optimal adhesion for the tiles. Make sure the mortar is evenly spread, and the ridges are consistent in height and spacing. This will provide a strong foundation for your terrazzo tiles.

Laying the tiles

1. Start at the centre of the room, following your planned layout.

2. Using the notched trowel, spread the thin-set mortar on a small section of the subfloor, creating even ridges for optimal adhesion.

3. Press the first tile into the mortar, ensuring it is firmly set. Continue placing additional tiles alongside and pressing them into the mortar.

4. Use tile spacers between each tile to maintain consistent spacing and even grout lines.

5. Continuously check the alignment of the tiles as you lay them, adjusting as necessary to keep the pattern straight and uniform.

6. Place a level across multiple tiles to ensure they are even and flat.

7. Gently tap any uneven tiles with a rubber mallet to bring them to the same height as the surrounding tiles.

8. Recheck the level frequently and adjust as needed to maintain a smooth surface.

Grouting the Tiles

To grout the tiles, start by mixing the grout according to the manufacturer's instructions until you achieve a smooth consistency. Apply the grout to the tile joints using a rubber float, pressing it firmly to fill all gaps. Remove excess grout immediately from the tile surfaces with a damp sponge, rinsing it frequently to keep it clean. Finally, ensure the grout lines are even and smooth by lightly passing over them with the sponge for a polished finish.

Sealing the Terrazzo tiles

1. Understand the importance of sealing terrazzo tiles to protect them from stains, moisture, and wear.

2. Clean the tiles thoroughly to remove any dust, dirt, or residue.

3. Allow the tiles to dry completely before applying the sealant.

4. Apply the sealant evenly using a paintbrush, roller, or sprayer, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

5. Ensure the sealant covers all areas, including the grout lines.

6. Let the first coat of sealant dry completely, usually for the time specified by the manufacturer.

7. Apply a second coat of sealant if recommended for added protection.

8. Maintain the sealant by regularly cleaning the tiles with a pH-neutral cleaner.

9. Reapply the sealant periodically as needed, typically every 1-2 years or as directed by the sealant manufacturer.

Final touches and maintenance tips

After installation, clean the terrazzo tiles thoroughly to remove any residue or grout haze. Regularly sweep and mop the tiles with a pH-neutral cleaner to keep them looking new. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the surface. For maintenance, promptly address spills, prevent stains, and reapply the sealant as needed. Troubleshoot common issues such as minor scratches by buffing them out with a soft cloth, and fix any loose tiles with a small amount of adhesive. By following these tips, you can ensure your terrazzo tiles remain beautiful and durable.

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